Review Samsung Galaxy Note 5
0 Comments - 31 Aug 2015
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 merupakan generasi penerus Samsung Galaxy Note 4 yang masih tetap menyandang fitur S-Pen stylus sebagai fitur unggulan. Hanya saja design dari Galaxy Note 5 meng-adopsi dari Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge dengan luas layar 5.7 inches. Dengan luas layar diagonal 5.7 inches pada Galaxy Note terbaru 2015 meng...

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HTC Inspire 4G Android
0 Comments - 16 Apr 2011
HTC Inspire Android, The Inspire 4G runs the latest Android operating system--OS 2.2 (aka, Froyo)--which provides a faster overall Android experience as well as greater multitasking capabilities. You'll be able to receive notifications, listen to music, and even record GPS data without keeping the application open. And it features a plethora of ne...

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Friday, December 4, 2009


Would YOU
like to become TOTALLY ANONYMOUS on the Internet?

Let me tell you something you might not know...

Right now, EVERYTHING you do online can be connected back to you.

Every website you visit. Every picture you download. Every e-mail you send. EVERYTHING.

How? Because your PC broadcasts a unique "IP address," which is like a mailing address for your PC. Unless you can HIDE your IP address, you can NEVER be anonymous online.

But it gets worse.

Not only must you hide your IP address to be anonymous, you ALSO have to think about the traces you're leaving on your own PC!

I'm talking about your browser history and cookies. I'm talking about the temporary files that are hidden away from you.

And what about the COMPUTER FORENSIC EXPERTS that can recover those deleted temporary files from your PC, using powerful data recovery tools?

Once again, when you're online, you're NOT ANONYMOUS.

UNLESS, that is, you use Anonymeister.

Anonymeister is the world's MOST POWERFUL and MOST SECURE Web browser.

It not only COMPLETELY masks your IP address, it also clears up EVERY TRACE of your surfing history after you've finished browsing.

And it's totally automatic too. No need for tricky configuration.

That's powerful stuff.

Want to learn more?

I HIGHLY recommend you click on this link to learn more:

Prepare to be amazed. Then prepare to be TRULY ANONYMOUS.

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